Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Soft boiled eggs in 2010

I have a love for soft boiled eggs. I love the way the buttered soldiers plunge into the pale yellow yolk and make breakfast feel wholly indulgent. Eggs, when not fried and oily have an incredibly delicate texture that add a creamy dimension to the morning. They really are the perfect way to start the day. 

This simple meal also reminds me of my mum who had us on a weekly meal schedule that included a portion of meat, veggies, fish and of course, eggs. The Mother would cut our toast into neat little squares so that we could dunk them into our yolks. I remembering loving eating it all with my set of Bunnykins crockery and cutlery from Royal Daulton, which I still have and treasure. 

Something my mum managed without in the 80's was an iPhone app to make the perfect eggs. I was quite sceptical when I first downloaded it, but I do like the features. The first step is to measure the diameter of the egg by placing it on the iPhone screen and moving the X-Y cross over point on the graph until the correct size is achieved - yes, all very technical for the perfect egg. You then go onto choose the altitude (which is connected to your GPS in case you aren't sure), the egg temperature (straight from the fridge or room temperature) and then, the way you like your egg - liquid, soft or hard. The feature I like most is the "Egg Spy" which gives the user a sneak peak into the inside of the shell during the process.

 Whilst my eggs didn't taste anymore wildly inspired than usual, I was incredibly chuft that there is just such an app. I'm also sure I get double points for this, one from the foodies and one from the geeks...? 


  1. You'll definitely get major points from TheHusband for this. As for me - this just looks waaaaaaay too complicated. As does most eggy things to be fair. This is why I leave egg prep to TheHusband. :-)

  2. even if you leave the egg prep to TheHusband, this app is still really cool...but maybe I'm just claiming geekpoints ;)
