Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Angel fish with a spinach & feta crust

It really has been a long time since I last blogged but I'm sure you'll all agree that life has a way of taking over sometimes. I've also been flitting about the country a tad. No, I don't need meds. I promise. 

It was Monday night and I wanted to get back into the swing of things, so I consulted the Taste Mag web site for a few ideas. It might've been a better idea to do this before heading to the shops but alas, my brain was still on holiday. I saw this recipe for Spinach Crusted Trout which I thought looked and sounded sublime. So I adapted the recipe to fit in with whatever I had at my place. I might've also tweeted about this recipe and in a moment of severe porridge-brain, I tagged it as #MeatFreeMonday. @RelaxWithDax and @lizetheunicorn were quick to remind me that fish is, of course, still meat. Blonde moment indeed.

2 pieces of Angel fish
200g baby spinach 
1 free range egg, separated
salt and pepper to taste
1 T couscous
Feta cheese to your discretion 

1. Heat oven to 190° C and place fish, skin side down, into an over proof dish. Salt and pepper
2. Pour boiling water over the spinach and allow to cool before squeezing out the excess water. 
3. Using a hand blender, blitz the spinach with salt and pepper to taste and the gold yolk of your free range egg. Leave the spinach quite chunky for added texture. Stir in the couscous.
4. Whip the egg white until stiff and fold into the spinach mixture before spooning over the fish. 
5. Sprinkle with crumbled feta. 
6. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Be careful not to over cook the fish. 
7. To get that golden top, remove the dish from the oven and set your grill onto the highest setting. Singe the top carefully and serve with a lemon cheek. 

PS: my love for cheeks of citrus fruit runs deep.  The way the lemony flesh is translucent and delicate at the pith and gains depth toward the middle causes my lids to flutter. *sigh*

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