Thursday, February 2, 2012

My favourite summer salad

Broccoli, feta & sunflower seed salad

2012, the year of the dragon, is said to be one of immense change for almost everyone. While I'm still an undecided astrologer, always reading the insert but adding a healthy serving of cynicism to the appraisal, the year has started off promisingly. 

So with summer still in our midst and the delayed activation of my workout routine (which was supposed to be my change), I have been extra vigilant with my diet. On a normal day, diet-friendly food is horrid. It wreaks of punishment and doesn't ever keep my palate interested. 

To attest to my prior statement - I still have 18 of the 20 meal replacement sachets that I bought last year because...well...because I simply couldn't. I love the taste, texture and colour of real food FAR too much, which means that I will probably have to run until my dying or my legs fall off. Which ever comes first. 

This salad is something I learned from my old house mate who is obsessed with Thai cuisine. It's a flash fried tender stem broccoli salad with soy and mirin sunflower seeds and feta. It's not just beautiful and crunchy but also delicious. 

a hand full of sunflower seeds
1 T soy sauce
2-3 T mirin
1 t olive oil
half a packet of tenderstem broccoli cut on the diagonal into bite-sized pieces
feta to taste


  • Put a non-stick pan on high and toast the sunflowers seeds. Add in the soy and mirin and coat the seeds. Put to one side
  • In the same pane, add a splash of olive oil and throw the broccoli in. Keep the stems crisp (± 1min)
  • On a plate, add the broccoli to the soy-coloured seeds and sprinkle with feta. 
PS: I often add in some extra salad leaves or strips of ostrich or chicken coated in Nomu's All-for-one rub. 

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